Test Shots are great to keep on file, you never know what fun you could have with them later. Photos from my shoot with MIKOH swimwear will be posted soon, I'm so excited to finally bring them out into the world from hiding. MIKOH's brand new website is up, with a gorgeously shot video by Dave Homcy on the front page. Check it out >> MIKOHSWIMWEAR.COM !
My beau got Beyonce's memo !! Black coral / gold engagement ring. I said I didn't want a diamond. Said I wanted a big/clunky/vintage ring with MEANING. Eeep, he did a fabulous job !!
WIDE EYES by LOCAL NATIVES My current obsession, passionately persuasive percussions !!
Mondays are quite productive, especially with my new 13" MacBook Pro in hand. I am indeed saddened at the death of my little white MacBook; pre fancy photobooth -- but luckily them geniuses were able to salvage almost everything !
Life is exciting in 2010 ... I feel lots of transitions coming soon; dream-chasing and such. Cheap thrills. Feathers flying. Fine lines between real and surreal. God is going to orchestrate something gorgeous for each of us, and whether we admit it or not, He is amongst the good and the difficult. Everything is falling into place, it's amazing to witness.